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Sunday, 21 April 2013

How to Dip Dye Your Hair

Dip Dye Hair

So, it seems like the latest trend is dip dying hair. I researched dip dye a little while ago and thought some of the girls' dip was just beautiful. I contemplated getting it done, myself but thought I would ask my hairdresser first. She explained it fully, so now, if I ever feel like doing it myself, I know what to do and hopefully once you have read this, you will to!
  Here is a short 'How to' guide on 'How to Dip Dye Your Hair'
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I.                   WHAT DIP DYING IS
II.                 THE RISKS

Dip dye hair is when you have different tones in your hair. It can depend on whether your hair is toned with subtle colours that slowly change tone gradually as it goes further down the hair.
OR you could have your normal hair colour with a bright colour at the tips of your hair e.g. pink, light blue, purple etc.

Either way it looks nice and is very easy to do.

 - Here is an example. If you take a closer look at the girl’s hair you will see her hair is gradually changing. The tone is decreasing from an Auburn colour to a light blonde.


There aren't many risks to do with dip dying your hair, besides the same old 'bleach can get inside your blood' risk. Dip dye is just like normal hair dye only you are using more than one colour. The dye cannot produce harmful results (unless you're allergic to hair dye).  The dye will not affect skin either, due to the latest ingredients in hair dye - making it very, very rare to affect you permanently. Hair dye nowadays, has actually gotten a lot better within the last 30 or so years - it is better and helthier for hair, skin and heads.

NOTE: If the dye gets in contact with clothing, it should come off easily within 1-2 washes.

How to dip dye hair

Here is a set of basic instructions for you to look over.
The steps are simple and easy to follow.
You will need: a towel, hair colour, a wide tooth comb, soft bristle brush, gloves shampoo and conditioner.

“Step 1:
Wrap an old towel or smock around your shoulders. This will prevent the hair color from permanently staining your clothing. Set up your work surface with hair color, a wide-tooth comb, soft bristle brush, gloves, shampoo and conditioner.
Step 2:
Work through your hair from tips to roots with a wide-tooth comb. Eliminate any knots prior to dip dying your hair. Use a detangling spray if needed to remove any difficult tangles. Always begin with clean, dry, hair to help the dye adhere better to the strands.
Step 3:
Section off the hair into two equal sections. Bring one section to the front of the head. Brush out and smooth the front section as this will be dyed first. Clip back the remaining section of hair to prevent accidentally dying the wrong pieces of hair.
Step 4:
For a temporary hair dip dye, use a spray-in hair color. Spray hair colors can be removed in just one wash. Put on a pair of gloves and spray the desired sections of hair. Consider dying random sections or the entire bottom half of your hair.
Step 5:
For a longer-lasting hair dip dye, purchase a home boxed hair color. Create the mixture in a small bowl. Dip the ends of the hair into the dye. Allow the color to develop for up to 20 minutes. Rinse the color until the water runs clear.
Step 6:
If using a boxed hair dye to dip dye your hair, follow up the color with a thorough wash. Clean the hair with a mild shampoo and light-weight conditioner. Work through any knots with the wide-tooth comb.
Step 7:
Apply a thermo-protectant spray to damp, clean hair. The spray will help the color develop when heat is added from a blow dryer or flat iron. Permanent hair color will last up to 30 washes before having to be redone.” - How To Dip Dye Your Hair (WikiHow)

~ Heather
I do not own these images.

There's No Such Thing as a 'Loser'

There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Loser’
See that girl that is sitting directly across from us on the bus with the chocolate brown hair, wearing her carefully fitted black and gold ‘Slip Knot’ hoodie with the black tassles that flow down at the sides? Yeah, the one that likes to listen to the really loud music and has a tendency to hide her face from everyone? She is really beautiful and brave for being herself.  And do you see that guy at the back of the bus: the one with the gorgeous deep green eyes and long blonde hair and has mild acne on his cheeks? Yeah, the one holding his boyfriend’s hand and is wearing the skinny denim jeans? I respect him for being so brave. And do you see that woman who is sitting by herself at the front, listening to Hymns on her earphones and casually singing along to them. Yes, the one that has a the long brown hair and is wearing the ovular-shaped glasses. I respect her for being proud of her faith.

There’s no such thing as a ‘loser’. The word ‘loser’ is commonly used daily by a variety of people about a variety of people. The truth is that most people use it to describe someone different to them: someone unique. We are all beautiful in every way. There is no such thing as ‘ugly’ or a ‘loser’ – unless you’ve lost a game, of course!
Stereotypes are stupid. Everyone deserves a chance and to be respected for who they are. Everyone deserves the right to be their unique selves. as many as they need to learn from their mistakes. Try to be more open minded and try to understand what they could be going through right now. Do they have problems at home? Do they secretly cry themselves to sleep every night because someone called them fat, even though they laughed earlier when it was said? Do they have a passionate love for books or Harry Potter? Do they talk a lot about a particular  subject? Do they have a love for unicycling? Sometimes people’s words are more hurtful than they seem. These people are just like you. They have feelings. They are just like you, trying to find their Spiritual Path, trying to remember what their Spiritual Goal was and how to complete it. Embrace the uniqueness. We are all different. Don’t go out of your way to hurt someone.  Imagine how you would feel in their position. Would you like to be judged by first glance and insulted because of who you are? Try to be more understanding and do not judge someone by their first appearance. You could end up losing out on a great friendship/bond with someone truly amazing.

                                                ^^^^^^^^^^ Just thought I'd slip in some John Lennon, there ;)  The message in his song is utterly beautiful! And there's the Glee version for those who'd prefer the Glee Cast version!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed my post! J ~ Heather

10 Breathtaking Views That Will Have You Screaming For Plane Tickets

10 Breathtaking Views That Will Have You Screaming For Plane Tickets

Have you ever dreamed about that one place that is beyond beautiful, your own personal haven for you to relax? Maybe it's a private sandy beach, draped with silver pebbles along the sides and a turquoise ocean to dip your feet in? Maybe it's a view from a fascinatingly historical castle- that gives you shivers with the thought of all the people that once stood where you are-, giving you a view of the rainbow of city lights that resides below? Maybe it's seeing the top of the highest mountain on Earth, embracing the beauty of life and the wonderful sight from the top, as you stand high and mighty on the snowy mountain?

Whatever it is, it is your own personal haven. But as I do not know what your personal havens are, I have decided to post some that are more well-known to the world and are absolutely spectacular. These are the kind of havens that should make you want to scream, begging your partner or friend to split the money on buying plane tickets, or even for your boss to give you a week off to get better from 'that cold'. These havens are well worth visiting. I hope you enjoy!

Please share my blog if you like what you see, and help me to attain more visitors! :)

1. The top of Kilimanjaro, Africa

It has to be said that the top of Kilimanjaro is one of the most breathtaking sights, in the wordl! Imagine the immense pride you'd feel after climbing this!

2.  The Eiffel Tower (Le Tour De Eiffel), France


3. Santorini, Greece

4. The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

The Ancient Colosseum in Rome, Italy
Long ago, there were around 50,000 spectators!

5. Sri Lanka's tourist attractions

6. Scotland

Edinburgh Castle is one of the most visited attractions in Scotland!

7.  Florida

8. Japan

9.New York


10. Ireland

So these are just ten of the huge list of beautiful places in the world! If you think I should have included another place, please feel free to comment and tell me or just to tell me what you thought of this post! Thank you!

~ Heather
I own none of these images.

Why I Think Smoking Should Be Banned

Why I Think Smoking Should Be Banned

(NOTE: Please do not take any offence if you smoke. This is just one person’s opinion).

Growing up, I was always taught to be extremely cautionary of passive smoking. My dad would always tell me to hold my breath whenever we went past smokers or polluted air from fuelled cars. Being so young and having no other guidance, my mind would sponge the information in and it would be a valuable lesson that I would carry with me for the rest of my life. But it would also be a burden to carry, too, especially when I would have to hold my breath for an excruciatingly long time, for crossing roads or sitting next to a table of smokers outside, when out for a meal.  
I recall my parents and ex-smoker grandparents constantly repeating themselves: “Don’t smoke, you’ll get cancer”, “Don’t make the same mistake I did.” “You’re still so young!”
I still have a firm belief in those words that, those who smoke will eventually get cancer or some form of terrible illness at some point in their life (anyone for yellow nails and rotten teeth?).  
When I was about four or five, my great grandmother died at the good age of 83. Although this is an excellent age to live up to, I have always felt like she could have been around for longer if she hadn’t started smoking when she was in her twenties– that I could have gotten to know her even better as I grew up and become as close to her as I am my gran.  I now fear that something of the same nature will happen to my own gran, in the near future. She, too, began smoking when she was fairly young- of course, this was just a result of her having grown up in a house of smoke – at the time when people weren’t too bothered about the consequences of inhaling the nicotine.
These are my personal reasons for why I want smoking to be banned. Nobody wants a loved one taken away too early. They should die naturally, when their bodies are ready to decay and their souls are at ease (not from coughing all the time) to go along into the afterlife, where they can have the front-row seat, watching and looking after their family and friends.
Statistics say that those who smoke regularly are more likely to suffer from mild to severe cases of depression and paranoia or an increase of their blood pressure and stress levels.

Smokers waste on average, £1672.80 per annum on cigarettes - that's $2,548 in US Dollars! The money that smokers waste on feeding their addiction is the equivalent of paying 61 years worth of petrol for your car or approximately 98695 Wispa Chocolate Bars! To spend this amount of money per year - just to inhale it and chimney it out of your system through coughing fits- is downright ridiculous. Who would want to buy a cancer stick?
But not every smoker takes pleasure in smoking. Millions have tried to quit the worse-than-heroin addiction and -according to statistics- only 10% of the population succeed. It’s especially hard for chain smokers, though, because they have smoked for many years but that doesn’t mean that they cannot quit, too, it is just harder for them.  

What harmful effects can smoking have on us?

Nicotine can have many effects; the main ones being cancer, holes in the necks (through chewing tobacco) and high blood pressure. Cancer is a very serious illness that can really make people ill and  sometimes people pass away because of its extremities. Cancer has no limit of punishment – it will take whoever it wants, whenever it wants. Cancer can be caused by smoking because of the chemicals and additives in the tar. Tar has around 4,000 chemicals- 60 of them being known as cancerous chemicals.

" Chemicals such as cyanide, benzene, ammonia and formaldehyde are in the tar of cigarettes and are let loose in your body by the smoking of cigarettes." - How Does Smoking Cause Cancer? <-------------- A good website explaining all about smoke.

But it's not just cigarette smoking that can cause smoker, there has been a huge increase in the past few years, of people getting cancer from chewing tobacco. Smoking can also cause your nails to turn yellow, give your oily skin, give you spots, make your breath smell awful and it can cause your hair to thin and greasy. It can weaken your bones, shorten your life span, cause breathing problems and make your clothes smell: just because you can’t smell anything, it doesn't mean that others can’t either.

What could the Government do to help?

I personally think that should the Government ban the media from publicising celebrity smokers. It could lead to a healthier younger generation (and perhaps even encourage the older generation to quit for their children) because they wouldn’t feel like they should need to copy their role models’ smoking habits in order to fit in. It could also increase the youth brain power and give the younger generation a higher percentage of their passing exams statistics, and lead to more employment. This could potentially help the younger generation grow up with a worldly-known moral that smoking only leads people down a dark path of body destruction and an emotional and physical impact. The non-smoking adults of the future could then publicise the message that smoking is bad, to the newer generation and so on and so on. This could also clean our air bit by bit, and car fuels may be changed too because of the terrible effects it has on human and animal health.
So, these are my reasons as to why I think that smoking should be banned. I hate smoke, always have, always will. I never have tried smoking, never will and I will forever pity those that smoke their life away – like drinking juice from a straw, smoke will suck your life away.

Teen heart-throb Robert Pattinson could convince young females to smoke.

Smoking being publicised by pop star, Rihanna.

~ Heather
I do not own these images.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

How to Challenge Negative Thinking

How to Challenge Negative Thinking

We've all had those low moments. We all know how it feels when our minds are clouded with negative thoughts with no shed of light to help us escape and that nobody in the world can understand how you're feeling. Yes, we all know that feeling too well but there are ways to stop thinking like that. Of course, there isn't a magical cure to get rid of negative thoughts forever but there are ways to challenge them to help you be happy again. Here is a list of tips to help you challenge those negative thoughts!


  1. Remind yourself that nobody is perfect
Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes now and again, so try not to be a perfectionist or set goals that are too high a hurdle.

                                              2.             Make a list
Quite often, people find that making lists of all the positive sides of things that are getting them down, helps them feel better and can help them to focus on the cheerier side of it. Maybe even make a list of how wonderful a person you are! If you get stuck for ideas, just ask someone and I'm sure they will have plenty of great things to say about you!

                                              3.       Socialise with happy people
Psychologists have noted that if a person, feeling low, hangs around with people of a happier nature, it can help the one that is low, brighten up and forget about their negative thoughts.

                                              4.      Take up a new hobby
If you're left alone with your thoughts for too long, it can be emotionally damaging. Perhaps take up a new hobby. You could learn a new language, learn how to knit, start a collection of things, re-arrange flowers, paintballing, make jewellery, do gardening, bake, go hiking, go canoeing - whatever takes your interest! NOTE: Being active also helps to release Happy Endorphins, making you happy! Does exercising for a while remind you of a familiar happy feeling? - An online store that you can buy materials from, for your hobby interest! - A huge list of hobbies and interests!

                                              5.     Keep a 'Negative Thoughts Log'
Whenever your mind is suffering from negative thoughts, just whip out your 'Negative Thoughts Log' and write it down! It's recommended that you also note down what caused the negative thought/s so that when you are in a better mood, you can come back to the thought and try to ask yourself if there is a better way of looking at it. Psychologists say that writing down your emotions in a diary can help you reduce the intensity of your emotions. --------------->

                                             6.     Talk to someone about it
This can be a quick-fix for those who are needing help or are trying to figure out what to do about something. Try not to bottle it up completely. Perhaps try talking to someone you trust to not spread your problems to other people. Perhaps they can give you a new perspective of the situation and make you feel much better. There are people who are professionals in this area and can give you great advice when you need it.

                                             7.   Remember that you are not the only one feeling this way
There are 7 Billion people in this world - lots of people will have been in the same position as you or are in the same position as you. Perhaps try speaking to someone that you know has been in the same position/ or are in the same position, whether they are a friend, colleague or family member, they love you and will want to help you out in the best way that they can.

                                            8.   Read a good book
If you're one of those people who likes to read books, this one may be for you. It's great when you can be lured into a fantasy world by a good book, and you can forget about reality. Reading not only helps you forget about your own life for a while and is very entertaining; it can also improve your imagination and creativity skills. Sneaky! :P

                                           9.   Do a good deed
Look at your friends and family (or even that one woman in the grocery store, that tuts at the contents of your trolley and gives you eyerolls), and ask yourself, 'Could they use a hand?' It truly is a great feeling when you can help someone out, and it's a nice feeling, too, when someone takes out time from their day just to help you out. Even if you don't like that person too much, it's always nice to do a good deed!

                                          10.  Go for a walk
Going for a walk to the park or to the local high street, can be very beneficial because it can help you clear your mind and the fresh air is good for you! Fresh air, clear thinking and exercise, all in one!

                                          11.  Listen to positive music
We all love a bit of a rave to good music! So, next time you're listening to music on your ipod, change the track to one you can dance to! Turn up those good tunes on the radio! This can really increase your mood and make you feel much better.

                                          12. Have some 'you' time
Take time out in the day to make some for yourself. Relax on the comfy couch and take a nap, paint your nails a different colour, style your hair differently, play some videogames, read a magazine or newspaper - whatever you want to do.

                                         13. How 'bout a change in scenery?
Most of us don't realise that colours can have a big impact on our moods and what we do.  Psychologists have noted that people in a round surrounded with calm and relaxed colours, produce better brain power and can help us to thing more clearly. Perhaps paint over that angry red wall and replace it with a happy and relaxed 'meadow green' or change those orange curtains for a nice, calm 'Baby Blue'.

"Dark Colors lower stress and increase feelings of peacefulness.
Bright Colors such as red, orange, and yellow spark energy and creativity. They can also increase aggressive and nervous behavior." <------------- A good website that can explain what each colour can do to your brain activity and blood levels, etc.

                                         14.   Watch some good ol' trashy T.V. or a good comedy show.
If you're one for good ol' trashy t.v, this ons may be for you. Every now and then we just want to relax a bit of trashy T.v. So, get yourself all cosied up on your favourite seat in the house, and watch your favourite trashy program either, by yourself or with a loved one. Or you could even watch a  good ol' comedy show and let the barrel of laughs flow!

                                         15.  Eat a banana
As crazy as it sounds, bananas have been proven to make us happier because they "convert our sad emotions into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter". They also do many other things that are great for us - you'd be surprised! Have you ever seen an unhappy Monkey?
 eat a banana (releases happy endorphins (check name)) - 25 Great Reasons As To Why You Should Eat Bananas

I hope these 15 tips come of use to you! Just remember: Every cloud has a silver lining! :) ~ Heather

I own none of these images.