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Friday 17 May 2013

Ten Irritating Grammatical Mistakes

Ever find yourself consistently replying to every single comment on a Facebook post or correcting each grammar mistake that tumbles out of your friends' mouths?

Are you a 'Grammar Nazi'?

You're not the only one that finds these incredibly annoying and frustrating! Here are ten of just some of the most irritating grammar mistakes. What grammatical errors annoy you? Feel free to comment what you find to be the most annoying gramatical error. If you like this post please feel free to share. :)

1. "Should of/would of/ could of/"

Correct grammar = Should have/would have/ could have

2. "Their, there and they're."

Correct grammar= 

Correct use of 'their' = Possessive word meaning something belongs to something or someone.
E.g. "Their bags were left on the table."

Correct use of 'there' = Adverb describing an area or direction.
E.g. "Where is Sally?"
"She's over there by the window sill. "

Correct use of  'they're' = Term shortened from 'they are' and used to describe someone or something.
E.g. "How are Bob and Margaret? I heard they were feeling unwell."
"They're recovering quite quickly, thank you."

3. "There is shoes all over the place!"

Correct grammar = "There are shoes all over the place!"
Explanation: When we are using a plural we use 'are' instead of 'is'.

4. "I saw a giant squirrel the other day it was huge anyway ignore me how was your day"

Correct Grammar = "I saw a Squirrel the other day. It was huge. Anyway, ignore me. How was your day?"


Full stops are used after a statement/sentence is made. Capitol letters are used for the first letter of the first word of a sentence or for the first letter of a noun. Question marks are used at the end of a question. Commas are used when you are pausing within a sentence but you have not finished your sentence.

4. I.Am.So.Cool.

Correct Grammar = I am so cool. 
Explanation:Full stops come after the end of a statement, not after every word.

5.  Please help meeeeeeee?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Correct Grammar = "Please help me!"
Explanation: Words should not be emphasised by adding excess letters or extra question marks/exclamation marks. Question marks should not be paired with exclamation marks, the majority of the time.

5.  " Me and Lucy going ice skating."

Correct Grammar = Lucy and I are going ice skating."

Explanation: In the English language, if two people are the topic of the statement/sentence, then you would place the other person first and call yourself 'I'.  If the topic is of something else and you and someone else are placed at the end of a sentence, the term would be Lucy and me.
E.g. 1. "Lucy and I are going ice skating." - start of a sentence.
E.g. 2. "There aren't any more people going ice skating, just Lucy and me." - end of a sentence.

6. "Irregardless. I don't care."

Correct Grammar = "Regardless, I don't care."

7. "I was literally bouncing off the walls when I heard what she had done."

Correct Grammar = "I was figuratively bouncing off the walls."

Explanation: 'Literally' can be used to describe something that really happened. 'Figurately' can be used to describe something that did not happen but that is how the person felt or felt like doing.

E.g. 1. I literally had to sit down because my legs were killing me."
E.g. 2. She figuratively drove me up the wall with her crazy antics."

8. " Thank you/Thanks."
Correct Grammer = "Thank you" is the British way of spelling it and saying it.
"Thanks" is the American/Canadian way of spelling it and saying it.

9. "Dat waz uhmazing bro."

Correct Grammar  = "That was amazing, bro/brother."
Explanation: Need I explain? It's just lazy and informal and helps nobody.

10. "I aM sO bOrEd."
Correct Grammar = "I am so bored."

Explanation = Although, this is a fun way of typing things, it is technically informal and inaccurate. Words should only have a capital letter at the first letter of the word at the first word in the sentence, unless there is a noun being used within the sentence.
So, these are just a few of the most irritating grammatical errors! If you are a Grammar Nazi like me, then these will seriously bug you too! 

What grammatical errors annoy you? Feel free to comment what you find to be the most annoying gramatical error.

I own none of the images. ~

~ Heather :)

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