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Sunday 21 April 2013

There's No Such Thing as a 'Loser'

There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Loser’
See that girl that is sitting directly across from us on the bus with the chocolate brown hair, wearing her carefully fitted black and gold ‘Slip Knot’ hoodie with the black tassles that flow down at the sides? Yeah, the one that likes to listen to the really loud music and has a tendency to hide her face from everyone? She is really beautiful and brave for being herself.  And do you see that guy at the back of the bus: the one with the gorgeous deep green eyes and long blonde hair and has mild acne on his cheeks? Yeah, the one holding his boyfriend’s hand and is wearing the skinny denim jeans? I respect him for being so brave. And do you see that woman who is sitting by herself at the front, listening to Hymns on her earphones and casually singing along to them. Yes, the one that has a the long brown hair and is wearing the ovular-shaped glasses. I respect her for being proud of her faith.

There’s no such thing as a ‘loser’. The word ‘loser’ is commonly used daily by a variety of people about a variety of people. The truth is that most people use it to describe someone different to them: someone unique. We are all beautiful in every way. There is no such thing as ‘ugly’ or a ‘loser’ – unless you’ve lost a game, of course!
Stereotypes are stupid. Everyone deserves a chance and to be respected for who they are. Everyone deserves the right to be their unique selves. as many as they need to learn from their mistakes. Try to be more open minded and try to understand what they could be going through right now. Do they have problems at home? Do they secretly cry themselves to sleep every night because someone called them fat, even though they laughed earlier when it was said? Do they have a passionate love for books or Harry Potter? Do they talk a lot about a particular  subject? Do they have a love for unicycling? Sometimes people’s words are more hurtful than they seem. These people are just like you. They have feelings. They are just like you, trying to find their Spiritual Path, trying to remember what their Spiritual Goal was and how to complete it. Embrace the uniqueness. We are all different. Don’t go out of your way to hurt someone.  Imagine how you would feel in their position. Would you like to be judged by first glance and insulted because of who you are? Try to be more understanding and do not judge someone by their first appearance. You could end up losing out on a great friendship/bond with someone truly amazing.

                                                ^^^^^^^^^^ Just thought I'd slip in some John Lennon, there ;)  The message in his song is utterly beautiful! And there's the Glee version for those who'd prefer the Glee Cast version!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed my post! J ~ Heather

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